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WELCOME to DefiningYou and joining me on this adventure! 

Jul 26, 2020

In this episode, Erica talks with Sally Smarsty about her journey through addiction and recovery, achieving love, job, and financial security, and then realizing that all that didn’t result in happiness. Instead, Sally continued on her journey back to herself and only after stepping into her truth and deciding to...

Jul 26, 2020

In this episode, Erica talks with Renee Bedard about her journey to accepting who she is at the core, stepping into her truth, and finally living her purpose. Renee describes her journey as a "beautiful dance of energy and experience." A witch, psychic, healer, and all around good human being, Renee opens up about...

Jul 26, 2020

Welcome to the debut episode of DefiningYou. Host and creator, Erica Hansen, talks about why she decided to launch this podcast, who it's designed for, and what she hopes listeners will gain.